
On Sunday May 31, we will need to travel from St Andrew’s to Edinburgh to drop Chris off for his 15:40 flight back to Canada. It is about a 1 hr and 15 min drive (48 miles). Yes the UK still uses miles as it’s unit of distance measurement. So I will take Chris to Edinburgh Castle which is built on top of an extinct volcano. Did I mention it sits upon the top of a friggin’ volcano. Time permitting we will try to visit the Royal Mile as well. This is just a set of streets in downtown Edinburgh running from Edinburgh Castle to Holyrood Palace. The royal mile is actually a scottish mile which is about 1.12 miles long. Confused yet.

We have send Margo & Wayne ahead to do some scouting for us.

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One Comment

  1. I can tell you from experience that Edinburgh Castle is awesome and well preserved, the stroll down the Royal Mike terminates at Queen Mary’s castle which is not near as opulent and over the top at Versailles but still worth the visit. The road is paved with cobblestones, buskers and plenty of quaint pubs and narrow passages between buildings. Everyday you will find a Scottish bagpiper in full kilt blowing away while tourists watch on and take pictures. One restaurant well worth the stop is called the “Witchery” just outside the castle. It is a histircal building where they used to burn the witches. Be sure to make reservations in advance! Food is divine.

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