Scotland Circle Tour – Day 4

Good news today is that I did not drive into a ditch. The bad news is that the weather is not cooperating. Today started like most days in Scotland. Overcast & threatening to rain. By mid-day, there was no threatening, just rain. I am on the Isle of Skye.
Started the morning by visiting Scotland’s most photographed castle called Eilean Donan Castle. It actually is quite nice. Only about 5000 tourists here all taking selfies.

Margo, I looked for Jamie in the dungeon but he must have escaped. I will keep searching, though.
The previous night I was taking photos of the castle lit up & met a young American couple from Seattle. We were the only people there at night. No selfie obsessed tourists. They had just run their first marathon in Edinburgh. They impressed me as they actually knew where Edmonton was. In fact, the guy played in a softball tourney in Edmonton a few years ago.
Karen, both Chris & I have discovered that we have limited mobility when attempting to turn backwards to the left to look in the rear window. In fact most of the time instead of turning my body to the left to look in the rear window, I just turn right. Laugh all you want but I bet if you tried this at home right now, you would find it hard also.
Since it rained most of the day, I have only a few pictures. Here is my B&B and the view from my room. It actually is very pretty here. The owner is a painter & has a great sense of humour.
Sorry but I prefer the driving stories, compared to you complaining about the weather. No pictures of the castle at night, where are those pictures? Nice pictures but are you holding out on us?
We Scottish folk like to discuss the weather. All pictures on the blog are from my Fujifilm camera as it produces JPEG files. The IPAD chokes on all raw files from my Nikon so you will not see any of those until I return home & can process them on a real computer.
Barry this looks just like Lallybroch! I do not think you looked hard enough for Jamie.
This place looks beautiful, is it true it is one of the most photographed places in Scotland. Didn’t the MacFarlane’s come from this area. Mom check out that history book I gave you, until I know differently, I am going with “this is our ancestral place”
Love the pic of Eilean Donan Castle, do you have more?
I have some that I took at night along with some variations of the ones you see here. Have to wait until I return home before you will see them.