Scotland Circle Tour – Day 1

Woke up to cloudy skies but eyes wide for adventure. The weather started clear but quickly deteriorated to a constant drizzle and then to an outright downpour. Had to skip a number of planned locations which sucks.
First stop was a place called Falkland Palace which has some type of association with Mary Queen of Scots. Found out that the palace does not allow photography, so bye bye Falkland. The saving grace was that that the village was very picturesque and worth the trip.
Next was the Scone Palace. Palace OK but grounds were quite nice in the rain.
Wayne, I have only seen 3 highlander cows. Not that common & the one picture I have is not that great.
Did I mention that there are a lot of sheep in Scotland.
Was going to stop at the Queen’s view which is supposedly one of the most beautiful views in Scotland but it was raining wooly bullies.
Too bad the weather was so bad in the Cairngorms as it looks quite scenic here.
I decided to risk continuing my trip to Iceland. The strike situation seems to be improving so I am hopeful for the best. What irks me is that Iceland has had the coldest spring in the last 50 years. They are forecasting snow & sleet in some parts of the country that I am scheduled to visit. Maybe I will find a frozen puffin to take a picture of.
Cheers from the local pub where you can get a pint of beer plus a chicken pot pie dinner for $10.
best pot pies ever right?? or maybe it is the cider I am thinking of??… cannot remember. Best cider ever right?
Pot pie was average. Kinda like Haggis. Have not had a cider yet.