
Jasper in Winter – Feb 24

Jasper in Winter – Feb 24 March 5, 2017 The final day of the trip. The cloudy skies from last night left a small skiff of snow and reduced visibility to nil. You could barely see Whistler mountain from town. Might be a good day for some black & white photos if the clouds lift just a little. Jasper Lake seems to be a golden spot for me as every time I pass through there are good light conditions. The […]

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Jasper in Winter – Feb 23

Jasper in Winter – Feb 23 March 2, 2017 This morning I was going to an area along highway 93 featuring four major mountains – Mount Fryatt, Brussels Peak, Mount Christie, and Whirlpool point. There is a 16 km stretch south of Athabasca Falls where the Athabasca river parallels the highway and gives great views to the mountains. You basically drive and pick your spot. As I was traveling the highway, I saw that there were 2 vehicles pulled over […]

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Jasper in Winter – Feb 22

One good thing about winter time in the mountains is that sunrise is not until 08:00. That means getting out of bed at a reasonable hour instead of the 04:00 starts in the summertime. Love it. First stop will be Patricia/Pyramid lakes. If I had brought my skates I could have played a little game of shinny as the Pyramid Lake Resort had cleared off a portion of the lake and supplied 2 hockey nets. I am sure I could […]

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Jasper in Winter – Feb 21

For someone who endures 6 months of the year in winter conditions, I have almost no winter photographs. I decided that it’s time to change that deficiency so a trip to Jasper was in order. The last week in February and first week in March are usually the best time to visit the mountains according to many photographers who have done this trip before. Weather forecast for the 4 days were highs of about -2C and lows of -13C, so […]

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