Bandon Dunes

Since I will playing golf in Scotland this May, I thought to reminisce about golfing in Bandon Dunes, Oregon. These are the closest golf courses we have in North American that simulate the Scottish links style course with lots of wind. I played this with Chris & some of his Red Deer buddies back in June 2011. The original Red Deer member who was supposed to play broke his wrist about a week prior to the trip leaving a opening for me.
Bandon Dunes has 4 courses and all rated within the top 16 Public courses in the USA per Golf Digest, with Pacific Dunes being #3. We played that course twice. Both times were with the earliest tee times possible which was before the gale force winds started to blow @ 09:00. The course is exponentially easier without the wind believe me.
[flo_image_text image_url=”” img_position=”right” img_width=”50″ ] This was a typical shot for Chris. [/flo_image_text]
This is the location of Bandon Dunes Golf Resort. Nearest town is Bandon.
looks chilly but strikingly beautiful …sounds like my drivers license photo